Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Seeing everyone talk of their training set up my mood too, this ones about Contrologix5000,and RS View,a product of Rockwell Automation coincidently this training also went on from 13th-17th, but of the last month. Lets just get into the picture, Contrologix5000 in the name of the processor (32-bit) which can support over 128000 I/O modules (4000 Analog Max) and RSView 32 is the tool that’s used to create GUI. SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition system) is one such example of GUI. Such intelligent modules are used where Process Control requires Automation. The name such as Contrologix and RsView are builder specific, Siemens might use the same processor with some other name and the whole PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) system may come with other additional features too.

This is how it looks (Processor + I/O Modules) there’s a power supply module too and the cards and I/O modules communicate via the back plane. It does support Netlinx open network Architecture that is you can communicate information seamlessly throughout the plant, from shop floor to top floor, and to and from the Internet for e-business applications.


The training began on 13th with the instructor arrving 2 hrs late.The first day went on with general introduction about AllenBradely, that’s the brand name under which Rockwell sells this Logic Controller, other products and logical Controllers were discussed and the day went by.

14th things got into some action where after some initial training we got hands on to the training kit where initially we learnt establishment of connection, and addressing

15th Things were on the roll as we were doing a project with a lil more knowledge in our head
creation of Controller Tag>Tasks>Programs>Process Tags>Routines>Sub Routines. And yippee a very tiny project but was happy to see it work.

16th we begun with RS View, created Icons, Buttons, Tanks other GUI, assigned them I/o , varied it, saw the results ,felt more like a kid who was happy to learn his first nursery rhyme and narrate it to everyone.

17th Learned about the security of the system , how could you block the user, customize the options for a user and other general security stuff

The training was all over, the happy days gone, soon Monday would follow as it has and one had to return to often called drudgery of work.


Blogger Subir said...

dint find time to get ur crystal..i might need some help here for a small proj of mine,do u have time? ill call u sometime

3:51 AM  
Blogger Trance said...

yes i do,gimme a call whenever possible

4:57 AM  
Blogger Trance said...

kya samjha re tu biddu

11:56 PM  

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