Friday, March 31, 2006

Childhood Games

I remeber Playing Hide and seek where i had to search people out and it meant i had caught them, today I see things yet i Cant Catch them

Running and Catching, you knew what you wanted ,you knew how to get it, because you could see it ,Today I see it but is it worth running for or am i lazy to run

The game of Trust Where with your eyes closed you swing between 2 people and now with eyes open you are blinded with so many things around you

The days were pretty girls use to chase you play with you and hold u up in their arms ,hold you close to them ,to a day today where your touch could be called Se......l Harr.......t

The days when you saw the world from your Mothers Arms to a day today where you feel shy of even holding her hand in a public place or appreciating her concern or her emotions in public(not applicable to all)

From a day where hiding under blankets, under the bed while playing dark room to a day today of sitting with eyes wide open with all lights turned off in dark.

From the days where riding a camel and a horse meant the world to a day to today where money, Alcohol rides you.

We all have grown big and strong and most importantly selfish, but the games have not changed just the rules have !!!!!!!!

Childhood Games

I remeber Playing Hide and seek where i had to search people out and it meant i had caught them, today I see things yet i Cant Catch them

Running and Catching, you knew what you wanted ,you knew how to get it, because you could see it ,Today I see it but is it worth running for or am i lazy to run

The game of Trust Where with your eyes closed you swing between 2 people and now with eyes open you are blinded with so many things around you

The days were pretty girls use to chase you play with you and hold u up in their arms ,hold you close to them ,to a day today where your touch could be called Se......l Harr.......t

The days when you saw the world from your Mothers Arms to a day today where you feel shy of even holding her hand in a public place or appreciating her concern or her emotions in public(not applicable to all)

From a day where hiding under blankets, under the bed while playing dark room to a day today of sitting with eyes wide open with all lights turned off in dark.

From the days where riding a camel and a horse meant the world to a day to today where money, Alcohol rides you.

We all have grown big and strong and most importantly selfish, but the games have not changed just the rules have !!!!!!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006


The article today in business time by Mr. Subroto Gochi about Life and Contradictions really made me ponder that as we grow big do things really become more contradictory or its our living style that makes us live in contradictions to define morality or is it inducing flexibility to make things easier. He spoke of spilling ink on table and cleaning it with a cloth which would transfer the dirt (ink) on to the cloth so the table is cleaned but the cloths dirty, but what if we spill water on it so that ink losses its color, removing dirt and killing dirt are two different things, true when you take up something two things come up, that is what you demand and what that something demands, if they clash that’s when your principles come into action and compromising on those principles defines contradictions, True you could talk of certain ironies in life that is the one who build big bungalows, buildings are the ones who live in huts ,the cars that are meant for comfort driving are chauffeur driven, But then there’s another side of this too when one works for a system and then a clash comes then what does one do, lets pickup the anecdote given by him ,if a person comes to you asking for automation and high technology end for his tobacco industry, what would one choose to do? Take business (for System) or guide him not to do such a thing (personal end) because tobacco could claim life. What do you do quit job for this one customer of yours as you feel you are helping someone in a not so human cause or accept this and continue as the other 9 of your 10 projects have never made you compromise on ethics. What does one do? Guess contradictions defines ones life dunno Lets just leave things on this paradoxical note.


Today I happened to speak to a friend of mine leaving to Kolkata for IBM, Dunno why it made me think of the other two guys who stay with him, I still remember one of them saying “we have not sought eachother” but yes we fear how our new roomie would be? Would the vibes match? To my observation these 3 guys happen to share a good rapo and the kolkata guy being the center of their fun, in case they are bored. Its strange that you get to meet someone, knowing that person takes time, relating to him takes still more, understanding far more and by the time you have learnt to heartly smile at eachother because you have found a friend the time to leaqve comes. Dunno if this defines their relationship but this does define my stay in Banglore (with these 3 guys) for 3 months…whose thoughts for some strange reason bring a smile on my face. It kinds of makes me feel because when I next go to Bangalore he wont be there. And may be with time neither the 2 who already are…What if time and Tide had learnt to wait? Guess then we would have failed to respect them.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Seeing everyone talk of their training set up my mood too, this ones about Contrologix5000,and RS View,a product of Rockwell Automation coincidently this training also went on from 13th-17th, but of the last month. Lets just get into the picture, Contrologix5000 in the name of the processor (32-bit) which can support over 128000 I/O modules (4000 Analog Max) and RSView 32 is the tool that’s used to create GUI. SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition system) is one such example of GUI. Such intelligent modules are used where Process Control requires Automation. The name such as Contrologix and RsView are builder specific, Siemens might use the same processor with some other name and the whole PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) system may come with other additional features too.

This is how it looks (Processor + I/O Modules) there’s a power supply module too and the cards and I/O modules communicate via the back plane. It does support Netlinx open network Architecture that is you can communicate information seamlessly throughout the plant, from shop floor to top floor, and to and from the Internet for e-business applications.


The training began on 13th with the instructor arrving 2 hrs late.The first day went on with general introduction about AllenBradely, that’s the brand name under which Rockwell sells this Logic Controller, other products and logical Controllers were discussed and the day went by.

14th things got into some action where after some initial training we got hands on to the training kit where initially we learnt establishment of connection, and addressing

15th Things were on the roll as we were doing a project with a lil more knowledge in our head
creation of Controller Tag>Tasks>Programs>Process Tags>Routines>Sub Routines. And yippee a very tiny project but was happy to see it work.

16th we begun with RS View, created Icons, Buttons, Tanks other GUI, assigned them I/o , varied it, saw the results ,felt more like a kid who was happy to learn his first nursery rhyme and narrate it to everyone.

17th Learned about the security of the system , how could you block the user, customize the options for a user and other general security stuff

The training was all over, the happy days gone, soon Monday would follow as it has and one had to return to often called drudgery of work.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Pulling my cart

The weekend has gone and a new week has begun, with Rang De Basanti and catching up with a friend and his girl made this weekend far less depressing than the previous one .The movie Rang De Basanti how many ever times you watch it looks less to me, it also kinds of take you to your college jidhar sukoon ke din, you were the true winner of the arena to a day today where you try to carve a niche, identity of yourself, where you think to understand what is it that you are meant for, Does 9-6 justify your way of living whats that extra bit that this heart longs for? What is it in your life that would set your blood running, pump in confidence make you realize the importance of being there, What is it that would make you wait for the morning rise only to be there, and most importantly what’s there? What defines that term to you?
Then there comes another spoon of thought too, that jus Chill, “be here” and concentrate on your work in office.